发布时间: 2022-10-05 09:51:48 已阅读:9396
2013.9-2018.12 西南大学植物保护问鼎 硕博连读
2016.9-2018.3 荷兰皇家科问鼎 生态研究所(NIOO-KNAW) 联合培养博士
2019.4-2021.8 西南大学植物保护问鼎 博士后
2021.9-2023.6 问鼎娱乐-问鼎官网 讲师
2023.7-至今 问鼎娱乐-问鼎官网 副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金(青年项目):降解4-羟基苯甲酸关键菌群抑制青枯病发生的作用机制研究(3****2300),2022.1-2024.12
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(科研启动项目):桑青枯抗性品种的根际微生物组成与抗病相关性研究(SWU-KQ****2),2023.1-2025.12
3. 重庆市自然科学基金(博士后项目):抑制青枯病发生的土壤中响应4-羟基苯甲酸累积的微生物组学研究(cst****0jcyj-bsh****7),2020.9-2022.8
4. 大学生创新创业训练计划(市级项目):桑青枯抗性品种内生芽孢杆菌的筛选与抑菌活性物质研究(S****10635234),2023.6-2024.6
5. 大学生创新创业训练计划(国家级项目):抑病型土壤中降解4-HBA功能菌株对茄青枯病的防控效果研究(20****2635119),2022.3-2023.5(协助指导)
代表性论文:(*为通讯作者, #为共同第一作者)
1. Liu X., Hannula S.E., Li X., Hundscheid M., Gunnewiek P., Clocchiatti A., Ding W.*, de Boer W.* Decomposing cover crops modify root-associated microbiome composition and disease tolerance of cash crop seedlings. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021, 160: 108343.
2. Liu X., Jiang Q., Hu X., Zhang S., Liu Y., Huang W., Ding W.* Soil microbial carbon metabolism reveals a disease suppression pattern in continuous ginger mono-cropping fields. Applied Soil Ecology, 2019. 144: 165-169.
3. Liu X.#, Liu L.#, Gong J., Zhang L., Jiang Q., Huang K., Ding W.* Soil conditions on bacterial wilt disease affect bacterial and fungal assemblage in the rhizosphere. AMB Express, 2022. 12(1): 110.
4. Liu X., Zhang S., Jiang Q., Bai Y., Shen G., Li S., Ding W.* Using community analysis to explore bacterial indicators for disease suppression of tobacco bacterial wilt. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6: 36773.
5. Jiao W., Wen J., Li N., Ou T., Qiu C., Ji Y., Lin K., Liu X.*, Xie J.* The biocontrol potentials of rhizospheric bacterium Bacillus velezensis K0T24 against mulberry bacterial wilt disease. Archives of Microbiology, 2024. 206: 213.
6. Zhang S., Liu X., Zhou L., Deng L., Zhao W., Liu Y., Ding W.* Alleviating soil acidification could increase disease suppression of bacterial wilt by recruiting potentially beneficial rhizobacteria. Microbiology Spectrum, 2022. 10(2): e0233321.
7. Li X., Garbeva P., Liu X., Gunnewiek P., Clocchiatti A., Hundscheid M., Wang X., de Boer W.* Volatile-mediated antagonism of soil bacterial communities against fungi. Environmental Microbiology, 2020. 22(3): 1025-1035.
8. Zhang S., Jiang Q., Liu X., Liu L., Ding W.* Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria alleviate aluminum toxicity and ginger bacterial wilt in acidic continuous cropping soil. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020. 11: 569512.
9. Shen G., Zhang S., Liu X., Jiang Q., Ding W.* Soil acidification amendments change the rhizosphere bacterial community of tobacco in a bacterial wilt affected field. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018. 102(22): 9781-9791.
10. Ou T., Zhang M., Gao H., Wang F., Xu W., Liu X., Wang L., Wang R., Xie J.* Study on the potential for stimulating mulberry growth and drought tolerance of plant growth-promoting fungi. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023. 24(4): 4090.