

发布时间: 2021-03-30 20:24:38 已阅读:


蓝广芊、男、博士、教授、博士生导师,入选国家级青年拔尖人才计划(2022年),入聘西南大学含弘英才岗,现任问鼎娱乐-问鼎官网 副院长;一直致力于蚕丝材料的高附加值利用,主要聚焦于快速止血材料及生物医用纺织材料的研发。近三年主持包括国防创新特区项目、国家自然科学基金、重庆市自然科学基金、重庆市高价值专利培育项目等科研项目20余项。在包括Advanced Functional Materials,Bioactive Materials,Chemical Engineering Journal等行业知名期刊发表SCI论文50余篇;自“双一流”建设以来,发表高质量论文10篇(IF>10);申请国家发明专利33项,已授权14项,已转化2项。曾登上CCTV2创投节目—《创业英雄汇》展示其所领衔研发的速凝棉——快速止血材料。指导学生在创新创业方面取得丰硕成果,以第一指导教师身份指导学生获第中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国金奖1次(2022年)、全国铜奖2次(2019、2021年),重庆市金奖4次,本人获评全国优秀创新创业导师。与英国、澳大利亚和奥地利等国家高校和科研院所建立了广泛合作和学术交流;多次以特邀报告人身份参加国际会议。担任重庆市蚕丝学会理事、中国产业用纺织品行业协会静电纺丝非织造材料专业委员会 副主任委员等学术兼职。












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1.国家高层次青年人才计划项目, 2023-2025


3.重庆市高价值专利培育项目:快速止血高价值专利培育, 2020-2022;





(1). Qing Li, Enling Hu, Kun Yu, Ruiqi Xie, Fei Lu, Bitao Lu, Rong Bao, Tianfu Zhao, Fangyin Dai*, and Guangqian Lan*. Self-Propelling Janus Particles for Hemostasis in Perforating and Irregular Wounds with Massive Hemorrhage [J]. Advanced Functional Materials. 2020: 42,1-13. (IF: 18.86, JCR 一区)

(2). Luoxiao Ran, Bitao Lu, Haoyu Qiu, Guofang Zhou, Jing Jiang, Enling Hu, Fangyin Dai, and Guangqian Lan*. Erythrocyte membrane-camouflaged nanoworms with on-demand antibiotic release for eradicating biofilms using near-infrared irradiation [J]. Bioactive Materials 2021: 6,2956-2968. (IF: 14.59, JCR 一区)

(3). Qing Li, Enling Hu, Kun Yu,Mengxing Lu, Ruiqi Xie, Fei Lu, Bitao Lu, Rong Bao, and Guangqian Lan*.Magnetic feld-mediated Janus particles with sustained driving capability for severe bleeding control in perforating and inflected wounds. [J]. Bioactive Materials 2021: 6,4625-4639. (IF: 14.59, JCR 一区)

(4). Ying Li, Yi Zhang, Yixing Wang,Kun Yu, Enling Hu, Fei Lu, song ming Shang, Ruiqi Xieand Guangqian Lan*.Regulating wound moisture for accelerated healing: A strategy for thecontinuous drainage of wound exudates by mimicking plant transpiration[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 429 ,(2022) 131964 (IF: 13.27JCR 一区)

    (5). Qing Li, Enling Hu, Fei Lu, Kun Yu , Ruiqi Xie, Bitao Lu, Rong Bao, Fangyin Dai, Guangqian Lan*. Gemini Dressing with Both Super‑hydrophilicity     and ‑hydrophobicity Pursuing Isolation of Blood Cells for Hemostasis and Wound Healing[J]. Advanced Fiber Materials. (2023) 5:1447–1466 (IF: 16.12JCR 一区)

    (6). Bitao Lu, Enling Hu, Weiwei Ding , Wenyi Wang, Fei Lu, Kun Yu , Ruiqi Xie , Guangqian Lan*, Fangyin Dai*,Bioinspired Hemostatic Strategy via  Pulse Ejections for Severe Bleeding Wounds[J]. Research. (2023) 6:1–19 (IF:16.12JCR 一区)

    (7). Zhenghui Shi, Guangqian Lan, Enling Hu, Fei Lu, Ping Qian , Jiawei Liu,Fangyin Dai, Ruiqi Xie.Targeted delivery of hemostats to complex bleeding  wounds with magnetic guidance for instant hemostasis[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 429 ,(2022) 131964 (IF:11.0JCR 一区).

    (8). Qian Xu, Enling Hu, Haoyu Qiu, Lu Liu, Qing li, Bitao Lu, Kun Yu, Fei Lu ,Ruiqi Xie, Guangqian Lan*,Yuansong Zhang*. Catechol- chitosan/carboxymethylated cotton-based Janus hemostatic patch for rapid hemostasis in coagulopathy[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 315 ,(2023) 120967     (IF:11.20JCR 一区).

    (9). Lu Liu, Enling Hu, Haoyu Qiu, Qian Xu, Kun Yu, Ruiqi Xie, Fei Lu,Qi Wang, Bitao Lu, Qing Li, Guangqian Lan* .Dual modes reinforced silk adhesives for tissue repair: Integration of textiles and inorganic particles in silk gel for enhanced mechanical and adhesive strength[J]. International     Journal     of Biological Macromolecules. 242 (2023) 124911. (IF:8.21JCR )

    (10). Lu Liu, Enling Hu, Haoyu Qiu, Qian Xu, Kun Yu, Ruiqi Xie, Fei Lu,Qi Wang, Bitao Lu, Qing Li, Guangqian Lan* Recent advances in materials for hemostaticmanagement[J]. Biomaterials Science. 2021: 9,7343.(IF: 6.6, JCR )  

    (11). Qing Li, Fei Lu, Songmin Shang, Hongli Ye, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Yang Xiao, Fangyin Dai, and Guangqian Lan*. Biodegradable Microporous Starch with Assembled Thrombin for Rapid Induction of Hemostasis[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.2019:7,9121-9132.(IF:7.63, JCR一区)

(12). Qing Li, Fei Lu, Hongli Ye, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Rong Bao, Yang Xiao, Fangyin Dai, and Guangqian Lan*. Silver inlaid with gold nanoparticles: enhanced antibacterial ability coupled with the ability to visualize antibacterial efficacy[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2018: 6,9813-9821.(IF:7.63JCR 一区)

    (13). Qing Li#, Fei Lu#, Guofang Zhou, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Yang Xiao, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu, and Guangqian Lan*. Silver inlaid with gold  nanoparticle/chitosan wound dressing enhances antibacterial activity and porosity, and promotes wound healing[J]. Biomacromolecules.2017, 18(11):3766-   3775. (IF: 5.73JCR 一区)

    (14). Guangqian Lan* , Qing Li , Fei Lu, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Rong Bao, Fangyin Dai. Improvement of platelet aggregation and rapid induction of  hemostasis in chitosan dressing using silver nanoparticles[J]. Cellulose. 2019:10, 5374-5385. (IF: 3.91JCR 二区)

    (15). Zhenghui Shi#, Guangqian Lan#, Enling Hu, Fei Lu, Ping Qian, Jiawei Liu, Fangying Dai, Ruiqi Xie *, Puff pastry-like chitosan/konjac  glucomannan matrix with thrombin-occupied microporous starch particles as a composite for hemostasis[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2020, 232(3):1-11.         (IF:     6.12JCR 一区)

    (16). Honglei Chen#, Guangqian Lan#, Luoxiao Ran, Yang Xiao, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu, Fei Lu*, A novel wound dressing based  on a Konjac glucomannan/silver nanoparticle composite sponge effectively kills bacteria and accelerates wound healing[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018,     183:70-80. (IF: 6.04JCR 二区)

    (17). Bitao Lu#, Fei Lu#, Yini Zou, Jiawei Liu, Bao Rong, Zhiquan Li, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu, and Guangqian Lan*. an-L-glutamic acid/hyaluronic  acid: Enhancing antimicrobial and wound-healing activity[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017, 173(10), 556-565. (IF: 6.04JCR 二区)

    (18). Honglei Chen, Junwen Cheng, Luoxiao Ran, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Guangqian Lan, Fangying Dai, Fei Lu*, An injectable self-healing hydrogel with  adhesive and antibacterial properties effectively promotes wound healing[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018: 201,522-531. (IF: 6.04JCR 二区)

    (19). Bitao Lu#, Fei Lu#, Luoxiao Ran, Kun Yu, Yang Xiao, Zhiquan Li, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu, Guangqian Lan*. Imidazole-molecule-capped  chitosan–gold nanocomposites with enhanced antimicrobial activity for treating biofilm-related infections[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.         2018, 531:269-281. (IF:5.09JCR 二区)

    (20). Kun Yu#, Fei Lu# (co-first authors), Qing Li, Honglei Chen, Bitao Lu, Jiawei Liu, Zhiquan Li, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu, Guangqian Lan*. In situ  assembly of Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs) on porous silkworm cocoon-based wound film: enhanced antimicrobial and wound healing activity[J]. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7(1): 2107. (IF=4.2JCR三区)

    (21). Guangqian Lan, Bitao Lu, Tianyou Wang, Lijuan Wang, Jinghao Chen, Kun Yua, Jiawei Liu, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu*. Chitosan/gelatin composite  sponge is an absorbable surgical hemostatic agent[J]. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2015, 136, 1026-1034. IF=3.95JCR 一区).

    (22). Bitao Lu#, Fei Lu#, Kun Yu, Yang Xiao, Zhiquan Li, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu, Guangqian Lan*. Self-assembly of natural protein and imidazole molecules on gold nanoparticles: Applications in wound healing against multi-drug resistant bacteria[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018, 119:505-516. (IF:4.97JCR 二区)

    (23). Luoxiao Ran#, Yini Zou, Junwen Cheng, Guangqian Lan, Fei Lu*, Silver nanoparticles in situ synthesized by polysaccharides from Sanghuangporus sanghuang and composites with chitosan to prepare scaffolds for the regeneration of infected full-thickness skin defects[J]. International Journal of             Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 125, 392-403. (IF:4.97JCR 二区)

    (24). Hongli Ye#, Junwen Cheng, Guangqian Lan, Kun Yu*, In situ reduction of silver nanoparticles by gelatin to obtain porous silver nanoparticle/chitosan composites with enhanced antimicrobial and wound-healing activity[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019,     121, 633-642. (IF:4.97JCR 二区)

    (25). Kun Yu#, Fei Lu# (co-first authors), Qing Li, Yini Zou, Yang Xiao, Bitao Lu, Jiawei Liu, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu, Guangqian Lan*. Accelerated  wound-healing capabilities of a dressing fabricated from silkworm cocoon[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2017, 102: 901- 913. (IF:4.97JCR 二区)

    (26). Tianyi Wu#, Fei Lu#, Qiuhan Wen, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Bao Rong, Fangyin Dai, Guangqian Lan* Novel strategy for obtaining uniformly dispersed  silver nanoparticles on soluble cotton wound dressing through carboxymethylation and in-situ reduction: antimicrobial activity and histological assessment     in animal model[J]. Cellulose. 2018:9,5361-5376. (IF: 4.11JCR 二区)

    (27). Bitao Lu#, Hongli Ye#, Songmin Shang, Qinqin Xiong, Kun, Yu, Qing Li, Yang Xiao, Fangyin Dai, Guangqian Lan*. Novel Wound Dressing with  Chitosan Gold Nanoparticles Capped with a Small Molecule for Effective Treatment of Multiantibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Infections[J]. Nanotechnology.     2018,18,0957-4484. (IF:3.31JCR 二区)

    (28). Jinghao Chen#, Guangqian Lan# (co-first authors), Keying Li, Shibei Liu, Kun Yu, Jiawei Liu, Hua Tang, Fangying Dai, Dayang Wu*. Preparation of  a partially carboxymethylated cotton gauze and study of its hemostatic properties[J]. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2016,     62, 407-416.IF=3.1JCR 二区).

    (29). Kun Yu#, Guangqian Lan# (co-first authors), Bitao Lu, Jiawei Liu, Jinghao Chen, Fangyin Dai, Dayang Wu*. Evaluation of artificial skin made from silkworm cocoons[J]. Journal of Materials Science. 2017, 52(9): 5435-5448. (IF=3.0JCR 二区)

    (30). Yixin Wang, Ruiqi Xie, Qing Li, Fangyin Dai, Guangqian Lan, Songmin ShangFei Lu. A self-adapting hydrogel based on chitosan/oxidized konjac glucomannan/AgNPs for repairing irregular wounds[J]. Biomaterials Science. 2020,8,1910-1922. (IF=5.25JCR二区)

    (31). Lin zou, Kun Yu, Fei Lu, Guangqian Lan, Songmin ShangEnling Hu. Minimizing antibiotic dosage through in situ formation of gold nanoparticles across antibacterial wound dressings: A facile approach using silk fabric as the base substrate[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 8, 1910-          1922. (IF=6.39JCR一区)



(1). 蓝广芊;邱浩宇;谢瑞琪;胡恩岭;陆飞;余堃. 一种具有穿刺功能的定向驱动止血微球及其制备方法.国家发明专利,专利号:ZL202210212057.2. 已授权。

(2). 蓝广芊;卢必涛;胡恩岭;陆飞; 谢瑞琪;余堃. 一种止血微型马达及其制备方法.国家发明专利,专利号:ZL202110656950.X. 已授权。

(3). 蓝广芊;李庆;胡恩岭;陆飞;谢瑞琪;余堃.一种具有定向驱动功能janus结构止血剂的制备方法.国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 202110118891.0. 已授权。

(4). 蓝广芊;李庆;胡恩岭;陆飞;谢瑞琪;余堃.一种快速扩散混合功能止血剂的制备方法:专利号:ZL 202010046408.8 已授权。

(5). 蓝广芊;李庆;胡恩岭;陆飞;谢瑞琪;余堃一种基于janus结构的具有定向推进功能快速止血剂的制备方法:专利号:ZL202010046568.6. 已授权。

(6). 蓝广芊;胡恩岭;陆飞;谢瑞琪;余堃;杨春红.一种猪脱细胞真皮基质皮肤替代物的制备方法、专利号:ZL2020108381204. 已授权。

(7). 蓝广芊;胡恩岭;陆飞;谢瑞琪;余堃;王义鑫一种用于无创缝合的透明蚕茧基双面胶的制备方法、专利号:ZL2020108372722. 已授权。

(8). 蓝广芊,卢必涛,代方银,陈景浩,余堃,刘佳伟.一种羧甲基纤维素棉的制备方法.国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201510991804.7 ,已授权。

(9). 蓝广芊,卢必涛,代方银,陈景浩,余堃,刘佳伟. 一种壳聚糖多孔止血海绵的制备方法. 国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201510990788.x. 已授权。

(10). 蓝广芊;陈宏磊;陆飞;余堃;卢必涛.一种含银抗菌敷料的制备方法. 国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201710758093.8,已授权。

(11). 蓝广芊,卢必涛,陆飞.一种含纳米金抗菌剂的制备方法. 国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201710756647.0。已授权。

(12). 李颖,蓝广芊,谢瑞琪,胡恩岭,陆飞,余堃.一种连续引流的甘蔗海绵敷料,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL2021106027135, 已授权。

(13). 蓝广芊;史正慧;胡恩岭;陆飞;谢瑞琪;余堃.一种定向驱动靶向止血微马达及其制备方法.国家发明专利,公开号:202110120472.0。

(14). 蓝广芊,卢必涛,胡恩岭,陆飞,谢瑞琪,余堃.一种自膨胀止血气凝胶及其制备方法,公开号:2022109144366

(15). 蓝广芊,熊丽,胡恩岭,陆飞,谢瑞琪,余堃.一种丝素蛋白基止血黏胶粉末及其制备方法,公开号:2022115197981

(16). 蓝广芊,袁彩杰,胡恩岭,陆飞,谢瑞琪,余堃. 一种具有pH响应功能的靶向双重给药溶栓纳米MOF及其制备方法,公开号:2023100466443

(17). 蓝广芊,陈哲畅,胡恩岭,陆飞,谢瑞琪,余堃. 一种具有动脉血栓靶向及响应性药物释放载体及制备方法,公开号:2023100466392

(18). 蓝广芊,叶雅昕,胡恩岭,陆飞,谢瑞琪,余堃. 一种响应性靶向药物递送载体及其制备方法,公开号:202310046641X

(19). 陆飞,王义鑫,蓝广芊,胡恩岭,谢瑞琪,余堃. 一种具有持续单向导湿能力的复合敷料及制备方法,公开号:2023100503419

(20). 胡恩岭,周琳,蓝广芊,陆飞,谢瑞琪,余堃.一种具有持续抗菌效果的双纳米酶抗菌剂及其制备方法,公开号:2020108381223

(21). 谢瑞琪,毛琴,胡恩岭,蓝广芊,陆飞,余堃.一种热响应双网络水凝胶敷料的制备方法及其使用方法,公开号:2020108745874


