

发布时间: 2021-03-30 14:47:22 已阅读:

简介:李庆,女,博士,教授,硕导,2007年获澳大利亚迪肯大学纤维科学与工程专业博士学位,并留校任博士后及研究员,2016年回国。在澳期间主研澳大利亚国家、部级、横向等科研项目多项,获澳大利亚Geelong优秀科研研究员–“拯救我们的地球特别奖。 2017获重庆市高层次人才引进。


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1.        绿色可持续发展的纺织生态加工与功能整理技术

2.        纺织品绿色清洁生产工艺

3.        废旧纺织品循环利用

4.        纺织面料的主客观评价


1.        2004/09 - 2007/09,澳大利亚迪肯大学,纤维科学与工程,博士

2.        1994/09 - 1997/02,浙江理工大学,纺织材料与工程,硕士

3.        1988/09 - 1992/07,浙江理工大学,纺织工程,学士


1.        国家外国专家人才项目(产业技术创新类),多酚类天然化合物在纺织材料媒染和功能整理中的应用,QN202000220012020-102022-10,在研,主

2.        重庆市教委,重庆2019研究生导师团队建设项目(西南大学纤维材料与现代纺织技术创新团队),2019-112022-11在研,主持

3.        重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持计划优秀项目,超声空化效应在纤维材料中的能量传递机理及其在纺织染整工艺中节能减排的实现,cx20180252018/10/012021/10/01,在研,主持

4.        重庆市基础研究与前沿探索项目,基于纺织纤维多孔界面的声化学反应及其能量传递机理的研究,cstc2018jcyjA10512018/07/312021/07/31,在研,主持

5.        西南大学引进高层次人才科研启动基金项目,SWU116040,纺织品的超声波整理,2016/082021/12,在研,主持


1.        Rather L J, Zhou Q, Li Q*. Re-use of Cinnamomum camphora natural dye generated wastewater for sustainable UV protective and antioxidant finishing of wool fabric: Effect of Fe(II) sulfate. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2021, 21: 100422.

2.        Rather L J, Zhou Q, Ali A, Haque Q M R, Li Q*. Valorization of natural dyes extracted from Mugwort leaves (Folium artemisiae argyi) for wool fabric dyeing: optimization of extraction and dyeing processes with simultaneous coloration and biofunctionalization. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(7): 2822-2834.

3.        Zhou Q, Rather LJ, Ali A, Wang WC, Zhang YY, Haque QMR, Li Q* Environmental friendly bioactive finishing of wool textiles using the tannin-rich extracts of Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum L.) waste/fallen leaves. Dyes and Pigments, 2020, 176: 108230

4.        Rather L J, Ali A, Zhou Q, Ganie S A, Gong K, Haque Q M R, Li Q*. Instrumental characterization of merino wool fibers dyed with Cinnamomum camphora waste/fallen leaves extract: An efficient waste management alternative. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 273: 123021

5.        Zhou Q, Wang W.C., Zhang Y.Y. , Hurren C.J., Li Q*. Analyzing the thermal and hygral behavior of wool and its impact on fabric dimensional stability for wool processing and garment manufacturing, Textile Research Journal, 2020, 90 (19-20), 2175-2183

6.        Rather LJ, Shabbir M, Mohammad F, Li Q*. Effect of binary and ternary combination of metal salt on colorimetric and fastness characteristics of acacia nilotica dyed woolen yarn, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2020, 17(8), 1171-1183. 

7.        Gong K, Pan Y, Rather LJ, Wang WC, Zhou Q, Zhang TH, Li Q*. Natural pigment during flora leaf senescence and its application in dyeing and UV protection finish of silk and wool -- a case study of Cinnamomum Camphora, Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 166: 114-121.

8.        Wang WC, Rather LJ, Gong K, Zhou Q, Zhang TH, Li Q*. Effects of ultrasonic treatment on hydrophilicity and thermal stability of silk, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2019, 304, 1900364

9.        Pan Y, Wang WC, Gong K, Hurren CJ, Li Q*. Ultrasonic scouring as a pretreatment of wool and its application in low-temperature dyeing, Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89(10): 1975-1982.

10.     Pan Y, Hurren CJ, Li Q*. Effect of sonochemical scouring on the surface morphologies, mechanical properties, and dyeing abilities of wool fibers, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018, 41, 227-233.

