
王 鹏

发布时间: 2019-04-08 20:07:59 已阅读:






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1. 绿色功能纺织品

2. 生物质资源高值化利用

3. 天然多糖基功能材料


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,219052332020/01-2022/12

2. 重庆市教委“成渝地区双城经济圈建设”科技创新项目,KJCX20200082021/01-2022/12

3. 重庆市教委科学技术研究计划项目,KJQN2022002192022/08-2025/07

4. 重庆市教委科学技术研究计划项目,KJQN2023002172023/08-2026/07

5. 中纺联纺织行业纺织材料阻燃整理重点实验室开放课题,SDHY21252021/12-2022/11 


1. 重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目,2130632021/09-2023/08,主持

2. 西南大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目,SWUYJS2162112021/07-2023/06主持

3. 西南大学专业核心课程建设项目,52401017652021/01-2022/12主持

4. 第三届全国大学生绿色染整科技创新竞赛本科生组“特等奖”,中国纺织服装教育学会,2021,指导教师

5. 第四届全国大学生绿色染整科技创新竞赛研究生组“特等奖”,中国纺织服装教育学会,2023,指导教师

6. 第四届全国大学生绿色染整科技创新竞赛本科生组“三等奖”,中国纺织服装教育学会,2023,指导教师

7. 第二届全国纺织高校先进印染技术创新大赛“二等奖”,国家先进印染技术创新中心,2023,指导教师


1. Reactive P/S/N-containing synergistic flame retardant towards eco-friendly durable flame-retardant cotton fabric: Flame-retardant property, durability and mechanism. Polymer Testing. 2023, 118: 107918.

2. Environmentally benign flame-retardant cotton fabric with superior anti-wrinkle performance and restorable flame retardancy. Industrial Crops and Products. 2022, 189: 115856.

3. High-efficiency durable flame retardant with ammonium phosphate ester and phosphine oxide groups for cotton cellulose biomacromolecule. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2022, 194: 945-953.  

4. Novel phosphorus/nitrogen-rich oligomer with numerous reactive groups for durable flame-retardant cotton fabric. Cellulose. 2021, 28: 7405-7419.   

5. Sulfathiazole derivative with phosphaphenanthrene group: Synthesis, characterization and its high flame-retardant activity on epoxy resin. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2020, 173: 109078.   

6. Nitrogen/sulfur-containing DOPO based oligomer for highly efficient flame-retardant epoxy resin. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2020, 171: 109023.  

7. Flame retardant effect and mechanism of a novel DOPO based tetrazole derivative on epoxy resin. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2019, 139: 104-113.

8. Highly efficient flame-retardant epoxy resin with a novel DOPO-based triazole compound: Thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanism. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2017, 137: 138-150.