

发布时间: 2021-03-30 16:42:04 已阅读:



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1. 纺织品表面改性

2. 纳米材料功能化改性纺织品

3. 智能纺织品



1. 2010-92018-6, 东华大学, 纺织化学与染整工程, 博士

2. 2004-92007-6, 西南大学, 机电一体化工程, 硕士

3. 1997-92001-6, 东华大学, 染整工程



1. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项博士项目,SWU118080,基于可控梯度分层溶解纤维素策略的纳米粒子棉复合织物形成机理研究,2018-102020-105万元,结题,主持。

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目,XDJK2013B026,基于纳米簇状结构ZnO的电磁吸波复合材料制备研究,2013-042016-0510万元,结题,主持。

3. 重庆市自然基金项目,cstc2012jjA20011,异相MWFenton催化剂的制备及其用于高效降解染料废水的研究,2012-092015-095万元,结题,参加。

4. 重庆市自然基金项目,cstc2011jjA00015,环境友好型反相微乳液的形成机理及其在纺织品清洁印染中的应用,2011-082014-075万元,结题,主持。



[1]   Hu Ruimin, Yang Jinlong, Yang Pu, Wu Ziqin, Xiao Hang, Liu Yiping, Lu Ming*. Fabrication of ZnO@Cotton fabric with anti-bacterial and radiation barrier properties using an economical and environmentally friendly method [J]. Cellulose, 2020, 27(5): 2901-2911.

[2]   Zhao Zhenyun, Zhou Jing, Lu Ming*, Xiao Hang, Liu Yiping. Cellulose micro-dissolution by N-methylmorpholine N-oxide as a facile route for magnetic functional cotton textiles [J]. Cellulose, 2020, 27(3): 1817-1828.

[3]   Hu Ruimin, Yang Jinlong, Li Shihua, Zhang Tonghua, Xiao Hang, Liu Yiping, Lu Ming*. Fabrication of special wettability functionalized Mg(OH)(2)@cotton fabric for oil/water mixtures and emulsions separation [J]. Cellulose, 2020, 27(13): 7739-7749.

[4]   Zhou Jing, Zhao Zhenyun, Hu Ruimin, Yang Jinlong, Xiao Hang, Liu Yiping, Lu Ming*. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized silk fabrics for mechanical sensors and heating materials [J]. Materials & Design, 2020, 191:

[5]   Hu Ruimin, Fan Tao, Yang Jinlong, Xiao Hang, Liu Yiping, Lu Ming*. Ultrasound and microwave technology for flake-TiO2 growth and immobilization on cotton fabrics in micro-dissolution process [J]. Mater Chem Phys, 2020, 249:

[6]   Zhao Zhenyun, Zhou Jing, Xiao Hang, Liu Yiping, Lu Ming*. Creation of polyaniline-coated polyester fabrics with conductive, electrothermal and energy-storage properties via micro-dissolution method [J]. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 24:

[7]   Zhao Zhenyun, Song Chi, Zhou Jing, Hu Ruimin, Xiao Hang, Liu Yiping, Lu Ming*. An eco-friendly method based on the self-glue effect of keratins for preparing Fe3O4-coated wool [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137(39):

[8]   Hu Ruimin, Zhao Zhenyun, Zhou Jing, Fan Tao, Liu Yiping, Zhao Tianfu, Lu Ming*. Ultrasound assisted surface micro-dissolution to embed nano TiO2 on cotton fabrics in ZnCl2 aqueous solution [J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2019, 56: 160-166.

[9]   Fan Tao, Qian Qinghe, Hou Zhihui, Liu Yiping, Lu Ming*. Preparation of smart and reversible wettability cellulose fabrics for oil/water separation using a facile and economical method [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 200: 63-71.

[10] Lu Ming*, Hu Ruimin, Zhao Zhenyun, Zhou Jing, Liu Yiping. Surface micro-dissolve treatment of cotton fabrics with sodium hydroxide/urea to impart crease-resistance properties [J]. Textile Research Journal, 2018, 88(14): 1671-1676.